Friday, September 5, 2008

my life as a photojournalist

There is a very good reason to feel passionate for what you choose to do for a living, whatever it may be. You need to love your career with all your heart because no matter where you work, there will always be something about your job that you won't like, whether it's long hours, you're underpaid, or there's somebody who's making your life miserable. Or maybe you aren't the best at your job and you're not the one who is winning all the awards. Whatever the reason, most people always seem to have a side of their job that they dislike. It is a fact of life.

above;photo taken by rahman roslan while i enjoyed sampan somewhere in kelantan

If you are not passionate and love what you are doing for a living, and if you do not get any personal satisfaction out of your accomplishments, then you will lack the desire to get up in the morning to go to work. There are too many people who go to work every day and spend it watching the clock, year after year, because they can't wait to leave "that place" and get home. These are the people who spend their working life waiting for retirement. When they do retire and look back on their careers, they see only misery. It doesn't have to be that way.

playing around with ciko (female monkey)

If you're planning to pursue a career in photojournalism, then you should make sure that journalism is in your blood and that you love it, because frankly, you are NOT going to get rich doing it.

taken by diba.setting camera for capture of bukit bertam,batu kurau,perak

p.s,nasib baik company bagi wira sebijik


Kas Hariz said...

i like..btol katemu itu fadul..

Anonymous said...

huhu.. ayat best

iamstradust said...

mmg mat fotografi ang ni


afiqsupir said...

ap keje ko yg sbnonye bro?
new commer.
lawat r blog gua ea?


Dean said...

yala..take pics that ur company needed?
tringin jugak nk tau photojournalist is what exactly~ :D

lidah said...

syg i miss u

Anonymous said...

hahaha..wira aram!
i also miss u haram!huhu

p h i l o s o p h y said...

ayat² power dari abg fadol